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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
No Pain, No Anxiety At Your Next Dental Visit
Dynamic Dental Wellness

No Pain, No Anxiety At Your Next Dental Visit

Laser dentistry is an exciting advancement that really improves treatments and allows dentists to offer new procedures. Many other health systems already use lasers for its many benefits. A laser’s beam focused precisely and extremely on the treatment area alters or removes inflamed tissues and kills bacteria without hurting other healthy tissues. 

Light beams do not hurt tissues, patients usually experience no pain, discomfort or bleeding after treatments and the recovery time is much quicker. 

Many different dental procedures can be done involving the medical laser technology, such as removing cavities and overgrown tissue, treating gum diseases, or whitening teeth. Moreover, laser dentistry is ideal for people and children who are sensitive to needles or have anxiety of dental work due to past experiences. Anxiety associated with dental procedures is greatly reduced due to the elimination of injections, the sound of drilling and vibration.

The Erbium laser beam is concentrated light of a specific wavelength that is absorbed in water molecules. Tooth enamel and dentin contain high levels of water in their structure. The laser energy photons interact with the water molecules and remove microscopic bits of tooth structure with virtually no pain or discomfort for most people.

For children and adults with special needs, the lack of noise is a benefit and helps the patient manage fear and anxiety. The laser also helps to reduce bacteria in the tooth structure and helps prevent leakage and recurrent cavities under new fillings. The Erbium laser creates a surface on the tooth that enables high levels of adhesion to restorative material.

Laser solutions utilize light technology to bring the most comfortable dental experience; bleeding and gum damage is also reduced drastically. In comparison with other traditional techniques, laser treatments are much better.

  • Little or no pain/discomfort
  • Non-invasive
  • No needles/injections
  • No anesthesia or numbness
  • Safe and more effective
  • Shorter recovery time

Laser Dentistry Can Be Used To Treat:

  • Gum disease
  • Gum reshaping
  • Canker sore and cold sore pain treatments
  • Root canal disinfections
  • Removing inflamed tissues
  • Killing bacteria and virus
  • Biopsies
  • Exposing wisdom teeth
  • Clearing airway or removing throat tissue that causes sleep apnea
  • Regenerating damaged nerves
  • Bone regeneration
  • Removing benign oral tumors
  • Lip/Tongue tie release
  • Stimulating natural collagen production
  • Wrinkles
  • Eliminating eye bags
  • Other esthetic and oral issues
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