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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sivakumar Sreenivasan, DMD, MDS
Full Mouth Makeover In a Day?
Dental Implant Center of Rockville
. https://www.drsreeni.com/

Full Mouth Makeover In a Day?

Full Mouth Makeover In a Day?

Get a Brand New Smile With Fixed Teeth the Same Day As the Surgery

This may sound too good to be true and may seem like just having teeth taken out and being provided with dentures, but that is not the case.

The truth is that it is now possible to have those painful, broken down teeth taken out and dental implants placed immediately with fixed teeth onto the dental implants, all in one day!

Who is a candidate for teeth in a day?

  • Someone with advanced periodontitis (gum disease), whose teeth are loose or badly broken down due to decay
  • Someone who has recently been provided with dentures
  • Someone who has been wearing dentures for many years

So, how do you start?

  1. A consultation appointment
  2. A special x-ray – a cone beam scan is performed which allows the practitioner to identify the quality and quantity of bone in 3 dimensions.
  3. Procedures and steps are explained to the patient along with the fees for the procedures, which includes the surgery and the fixed bridges (both temporary and permanent).
  4. Next, the patient will see the restorative dentist to have impressions or scans (digital workflow) made and teeth fabricated prior to the surgery appointment.
  5. On the day of the surgery any teeth remaining are carefully extracted, implants are placed and the previously fabricated teeth are modified to sit on top of the implants and fixed to them.

Most patients prefer to be sedated for this procedure and are pleasantly surprised to awaken and realize that the surgery is over and their fixed temporary bridges are in place. The good news is that there is minimal pain from the procedure as the teeth sit on top of the implants and therefore do not put any pressure on the gums. The method of providing teeth in a day has been in use clinically for a number of years and has withstood the test of time.

Studies have clearly shown that when implants are splinted together with teeth, they can withstand minimal forces of chewing and the success is comparable to the traditional approach of burying the implants and then uncovering them 4-6 months later. Our experience makes the whole process almost painless.

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