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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Every Body Needs Exercise
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Every Body Needs Exercise

“I dont need to exercise. I feel fine, and my weight is good. My parents never exercise and they lived to be 100 and they smoked, so why should I bother?” Does this sounds like you?
When you exercise, your body, your mind gets a good work out as well. Exercising stimulates the mind. When the mind is stimulated it begins to activate your thought process. When the thought process is stimulated and activated you began to breathe differently. When breathing differently you become conscious.
When you are in a relaxed state of being, your breathing is normal. As you began to think of certain things you need to do or should be doing your breathing pattern changes. It increases or decreases without us being conscious of it. The more we think about our money, job, family, relationships or what have you, it changes our breathing pattern. The pattern either becomes faster or slower. It becomes faster without us being aware and it can cause us to have aniexiety attacks. When it becomes slow it is causing us to experience fear. Its like holding your breath.
So, your parents lived to be 100 and they smoked. Smoking is a habit; it is done without much thought. You just pick up a cigarette and light up. Sometimes you have two, maybe three cigarettes right after another, simply because you are not consciously aware you are doing so. Your parents may have lived to be 100, but what did their lungs look like? How was their breathing? Were they walking around barley able to breath, short of breath?
Excercising stimulates the mind, and sends oxygen and blood to the brain; it stimulates your pituitary and pineal gland. When these glands are activated and stimulated you become aware of many things, your actions, thoughts, food you eat or should not be eating, habits and awareness of your breathing. Being aware and in control of your breathing helps you to think clearly and responsibly. You began to tap into your intelligence and at that time you will began to see that even though you may look and feel good at the moment, you must do something to continue your good health and proper breathing.
To live to be 100 years old, and to stand tall (not bent over) and to be of sound mind and body is truly a gift from the divine.

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