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Adult Orthodontics: Facial Symmetry and the Sphenoid Bone
Dynamic Dental Wellness
. https://dynamicdentalwellness.com/

Adult Orthodontics: Facial Symmetry and the Sphenoid Bone

Did you know that snoring, upper airways resistance syndrome and tongue posture can prevent proper breathing, normal sleep cycles, and can be harmful to brain health? Luckily, there are several treatment options to treat these issues. Maxillary growth, or upper jaw growth, is an option to diminish sleep disorders and attain better breathing.

The maxilla, known as the upper jaw, plays a vital role into the structure of the skull. When your maxilla is underdeveloped it increases the risk of sleep apnea, chronic rhinosinusitis, nasal polyps, snoring, upper airway resistance, among other issues. This can lead to the jaw leaving insufficient room for the tongue to move comfortably and a compromised airway.

Adult Orthodontics and Orthopedics Benefits

The sooner you receive treatment for these issues the better. If conditions are left untreated for a long period of time it could become more serious. Receiving early treatment diverts the developing problem, eliminates cause, guides the growth of facial and jaw bones, and provides sufficient space for incoming permanent teeth.

Problems orthodontists may recommend treating:

Under bites

Cross bite

Overly crowded teeth

Excessively spaced teeth

Teeth that meet abnormally, or not at all

Facial Symmetry

How can you determine if you lack facial symmetry? Look at yourself in the mirror for some of these characteristics:

Different sized or unleveled eyes

Drooping of the upper or lower eyelid

Asymmetry around the mouth

A deeper smile line depression on one side

Head posture to one side and shoulder asymmetry caused by jaw imbalance

The Sphenoid Bone as the Base of the Brain

The sphenoid bone is a vital support piece for your brain. It is the only bone connected to every other bone in the head. The maxilla is located in front of the sphenoid bone. The sphenoid is at the base of the cranium, the link to the maxilla, and it also supports the soft palate. When one has a narrow maxilla, the sphenoid bone is most likely underdeveloped.


Adult orthodontics offers a useful process to reshape the face, sphenoid bone, and reverse breathing related sleep disorders. Breathing regulating, adult orthodontics, and correct tongue and spinal posture can help resolve a variety of chronic diseases, and delivers a progressively balanced face.

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