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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Pritam S. Saini, MD
Your Mind and the Medicine
Pritam S. Saini, MD

Your Mind and the Medicine

Millions of people take medications for similar ailments, however the success rate varies widely based on the approach and other factors. In a typical practice of medicine treatments are based on blood and other tests for specific diseases and the person's symptoms and examination.

In many cases the person has multiple unexplained symptoms while most of the tests fail to show any significant abnormality. Most of the symptomatic treatments are seldom effective or partially effective. It has usually resulted in the person going to many doctors, specialists or frequent visits to emergency rooms.

This can also result in the person resorting to substance or alcohol abuse in many cases , as it may seem to offer temporary relief, but this complicates the matter more or even make it worse.

The state of your mind has a profound effect on the outcomes. The Mind is one of the biggest puzzle even for the practitioners highly specialized in that area. A comprehensive approach in patient care involves understanding the complex relationship of mind, body and medicine.
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