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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
What Is Your Sleep Number?
Happy Hour Yoga Center

What Is Your Sleep Number?

Sleep is as important for the body as food. Food nourishes the body and sleep heals the body. Sleep is like brakes in your car. Sleep slows down and stops the conscience movement of the body and mind. When we don't or can't sleep it is due to a number of reasons, some of which are very simple. A lack of sleep for some is due to the constant movement of the mind “monkey mind”.

A monkey mind jumps from one thought to another. We don't know how to slow down and stop the mind from taking us over. We think we have no control over our mind when in fact our mind is for us to control. As the thoughts come we begin to give the thoughts energy, and one thought leads to another thought and in a short time our thoughts completely take over our heads and we become severely restless and depressed.

People who cannot control their thoughts may not have control over their behavior. People who cannot control their thoughts may not have control over their emotions and can then be easily controlled or influenced by others. When people cannot sleep it may be because their thoughts get the best of them and then their emotion takes over.

The body heals when you sleep. If you don't get enough sleep you will become forgetful, careless, angry, and prone to accidents. Your attention span shortens and you can develop chronic health problems.

Before running off to the store to purchase a sleep aid or having an alcoholic drink, which can cause snoring and can disturb your bed mate, just try a few simple techniques.

Lie on your back, feet and legs slightly apart, hands by your side, palms up. Close your eyes and slowly breathe in and out through your nose. Count your breath, and say “I breathe in 99,” “I breathe out 98,” and continue, until you get to the number one. If you miss count you must start over no cheating. If you cheat, you are cheating yourself. Pleasant dreams and good night.

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