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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Summer Is Here: It’s Time To Go To the Beach
Happy Hour Yoga Center

Summer Is Here: It’s Time To Go To the Beach

Summer Is Here: It’s Time To Go To the Beach

There are several beaches in our area that we can go to for a short vacation get away. Our local beaches are not like the Caribbean’s, but that’s okay. Our beaches are enjoyable as well. There’s the boardwalk in Ocean City that has lots of shops, boutiques, and restaurants. Shopping on the boardwalk gives you the feeling of summer, fun and vacationing. There you can find fun gifts, jewelry and beach art.

Some of you don’t like our beaches. If you are a person who does not like the beach, the sand and sun, here is a meditation and visualization you can read or memorize to help you enjoy the beach.

Yoga on the Beach Meditation

“As I sit on the banks of the beach…thinking how I wish I were somewhere, anywhere, where the water is aquamarine blue, lapis blue or just clean and clear…

“As I sit on the banks of the beach…

“Looking at the cloudy dirty water…reflecting on my thoughts which are like this beach…

“Cloudy and dirty…and stuck in some places…

“I wonder how much harm I would bring to myself if I were to even touch the water…

“I think of how much harm I will bring to myself if I don’t at least touch the water…

“Water…Water…always moving like our thoughts. Sometimes our thoughts are cloudy and dirty, stuck. Dirty with our imagining. Our thoughts should be like the water. Moving and flowing. Flowing over, under, around or through obstructions.

“Bring your awareness to your breath.

“Feel the early morning fresh breeze brush against your face, skin, and body.

“Feel your mind and body relax with each fresh breath you take.

“Feel your body releasing any hold it has on you.

“Feel your body becoming like water, fluid and flowing. Flowing with each breath you take.

“Feel the earth beneath you, supporting you, holding you close to its bosom. Feel the love from your Mother Earth.

“Mother Earth is saying ‘I got you…..let go let God!’ …breathe…

“Flow, and imagine your perfect health. You’re healing. Imagine all that you want to bring to you, health, wealth, love, job, home…whatever you want. Imagine it.

“Flow like water. Keep moving and flowing until you become clear, clean and blue.

“Flow and grow, flow and let go. Flow and be with your breath that controls your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Be like water. Keep moving, and you will become unstuck. Move, breathe, flow. Allow yourself to relax and heal. It’s okay; just go to the beach, heal, and flow.”

Happy summer. Sat Nam.
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