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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Holly Dunbar, CMT, RH (AGH)
Herbs That Relieve Fibromyalgia
New Moon Body Work and Botanicals
. http://www.newmoonbody.com

Herbs That Relieve Fibromyalgia

As stated in last month's article, fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes widespread pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbance. As there is no blood test for this disorder, diagnosis is subjective, and can be further complicated by the overlap of symptoms with other disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, menopausal symptoms, and other muscular and skeletal conditions. Herbs and essential oils provide symptomatic relief, often immediate, but also gently correct the underlying disorders if taken long term and with guidance.

Sleep disturbance is a major concern with this condition, and until it is corrected any treatment will yield only minimal results. Sedative herbs such as California poppy, wood betony, valerian, schizandra, and nutmeg can be helpful in inducing a sleepy state and promote the deeper sleep that promotes healing of tissues. Magnesium, which also is a smooth muscle relaxant that eases chronic muscle tension, can be useful as well. Awareness of sleep hygiene habits is important too using the bedroom to sleep and not work, for example, and keeping the bedroom free of clutter.

Turmeric relieves joint pain and promotes free circulation of the blood. It is used by serious students of yoga to help the muscles achieve optimum flexibility. Ginger, of the same plant family, also promotes good circulation and can relieve pain in the joints, especially in colder weather.

Essential oils such as marjoram, ginger, and rosemary can be of great benefit for immediate pain relief. These oils can be diluted in a carrier medium, such as a vegetable oil, and applied to the body for topical rubs for pain. Sedative oils such as lavender, clary sage, and rosewood can be applied to a cotton ball and left by the pillow at night to help with sleep, or incorporated into the bath. Brain fog that occurs with this condition can be relieved by routinely smelling rosemary oil.

This article merely is a small introduction to the potential of plants to both support this condition.

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