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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Tori Paide, MAc, LAc
Healing With Essential Oils Rosewood
The Still Point

Healing With Essential Oils Rosewood

This will be the first in a series of articles highlighting the healing powers of essential oils.

Feeling anxious, suffering from PMS, need a lift, or having trouble sleeping? There is an essential oil to help. Lavender, frankincense, eucalyptus, sweet orange, chamomile, myrrh and cypress are just a few of the essential oils that can influence and encourage full mind, body and spirit wellness. Used in their pure form or blended, essential oils have been an integral part of life for thousands of years. Religious texts such as the Bible include hundreds of references on essential oils and aromatic plants and their therapeutic abilities.

Rosewood oil is a favorite of mine, and although the word is not derived from the flower, rosewood oil's sweet floral scent is reminiscent of it. It is steam distilled from the wood of the highly regarded rosewood tree. It is believed that Rosewood's anti-bacterial, anti-infectious, antiviral, anti-fungal and stimulant properties make it a powerful immunity booster.

Used in skin care, Rosewood is commonly used to restore and neutralize the skin's pH balance with some practitioner's using it for it's regenerative properties attributed to reducing scar tissue and treating dry and scaly skin. Used in meditation, aroma lamps filled with rosewood oil emit a scent that inspires a feeling of lightness, harmony and quietness, bringing about a sense of contentment and inner peace.

Holistic and natural skincare brands, such as TOMA Skin Therapies Immune Support Tonic, incorporate the healing powers of rosewood oil through a special blend of tonics. Blended with rosewood essential oil, such tonics are believed to give your immune system a boost. Ever heard of sick and tired? Don't succumb to the common cold. If you feel rundown, you often experience the flu or colds, you've just gotten over an illness, or have taken antibiotics, rosewood blended essential oils may help.

Whether it's planning a good time, beginning your quest for inner health or simply looking to improve your skin's regimen, bring rosewood along and let it do its magic.
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