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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Harvest Moon
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Harvest Moon

The Harvest moon is the full moon that appears nearest to the autumnal equinox. The harvest moon appears in late September and early October near the summer solstice. The harvest moon appears red in color. The Blue moon is the third full moon in a month that has four full moons in a month. A blue moon occurs on an average of 2.7 years; that is usually seven times in 19 years.

The harvest of our life starts from the age of 56 to the end of our life. For the baby boomers who have turned 60 or are about to turn 60, now is our time to gather in the harvest of our years. Now is the time to enjoy the fruits and vegetables of our youthful years, the years we spent raising our families, building our homes and businesses. The years when we thought we were so far away from our harvest years are here; it is now.

The summer is still here. We still have time to enjoy our summer before the harvest moon. Now that we know that we are in our harvest years, let's not waste any time. Let's get moving. If you have not had a vacation now is the time to take one. You do not have to go anywhere in particular, just stop your work for a day, week or weeks and do something different. Take some time off and take a day trip or a weekend trip.

For those of us who can take at least a week, take a 4-5-or 7 day cruise leaving from Baltimore. The good news is you don't have to fly anywhere. Cruises are as low as $500 dollars all expense paid. You can eat and sleep and cruise the ocean to another place like the Bahamas or the Caribbean. Short flights for as low as $200 air fares are available for those who don't mind flying. And there are always day trips to New York and other nearby places you can go for the day. Don't forget the day trip to Virginia Beach, yoga on the beach on August 21st, 2010. Let go of the stuff that sabotages us from believing we can't take a vacation.

The blue moon for us will be when you decide to take a vacation and allow yourself to let go of the stuff you create in your mind that tells you that you can't take time for your self. The blue moon for us is letting go and accepting that we are in our harvest years, so gather up all your crops and get on with the last days of our lives. Life is short, so let's take a vacation, and let's go to the beach or some where.

Sat Nam.

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