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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
George K. Verghese, MD
Good-Bye Love Handles New Technology Melts Away Fat and Tightens Skin
Mid-Atlantic Skin Surgery Institute

Good-Bye Love Handles New Technology Melts Away Fat and Tightens Skin

While liposuction continues to be a popular surgical procedure for the removal of unwanted fat, the demand for non-invasive treatments has increased dramatically in the past few years.

Venus Freeze is a revolutionary, FDA approved technology that offers fat reduction as well as tightening of the skin, softening of wrinkles and smoothing of cellulite.

Treatments with Venus Freeze are performed in-office and are quick and effortless only 15 minutes for small areas like the face and neck, and 40 minutes for larger areas such as the back and abdominal region.

During the treatment an applicator glides across the surface of the skin as radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields combine to penetrate deeply, comfortably and safely into the skin. Most patients describe the experience as being similar to that of a warm stone massage.

Patients typically see results in as little as three treatments; however, it is advised to have a full series of six treatments for the face and up to ten treatments on the body to obtain optimal results.

The treatments are pain free and there is no downtime. It is suitable for both male and females and is safe for all skin types.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130