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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Lauren Hayden, HHP, QRA
Digestion Our GPS System
Live Well, LLC

Digestion Our GPS System

Great health begins with healthy ecology and function of the digestive system. How well it is taken care of is a determining factor in both the quality and longevity of an individual's life. Often we ignore or mask our body's natural warning system telling us of an underlying imbalance that needs to be addressed. At Live Well Consulting our contemporary and alternative medicine practitioners look at the energetic of the entire digestive system to determine what is needed to restore its proper function.

Symptoms Of Digestion Imbalance

The function of the digestive system is to receive food containing the nutrients necessary for sustaining the many processes occurring within our trillions of cells. These nutrients are absorbed, metabolized and their waste products eliminated. Sounds so simple; however, the digestive system is actually the most energy consuming system in the human body.

When conditions upset this delicate process, an individual will experience symptoms of intestinal imbalance. Some of the most common symptoms of this disease include intestinal gas, heartburn, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, acne, allergies, poor sleep, belly fat, weight gain, low energy, IBS, and ulcers.

Causes Of Digestion Imbalance

The principle causes of digestive imbalance are numerous. They are either the result of something we ingested that is toxic to the body; a deficiency of nutritional or mineral requirements; or the result of a blockage in the body's energetic field, thus reducing digestive function and affecting its ability to receive nutrients, eliminate wastes, and detoxify.

Nutrient deficiencies can create imbalances in the digestive system, which ultimately affect the function of other organs and glands. The most common nutrient deficiencies include insufficient hydrochloric acid, mineral deficiencies (including calcium and magnesium), enzymes and dehydration.

Whether intentional or not, over the years we ingest a multitude of substances not intended for human consumption. The body's normal detoxification process can be challenged and compromised over years of abuse that we are not even aware of.

Once the imbalance is corrected, the proper function of the gastrointestinal system is restored through the body's own internal self-healing ability, without the need for drugs or surgery. We identify all of the factors impacting digestive health, to then systematically eliminate the stressors through nutrition, detoxification, lifestyle modifications and bio-energetic restoration. Our practitioners are pioneers of this treatment modality in the Washington metropolitan area.

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