Spirit Point Healing
Spirit Point Healing
43 Old Solomons Island Rd
Suite 201
Annapolis, United States 21401
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Acupuncture and Depression
Throughout time, people have experienced emotions. Sometimes we feel good and sometimes not. We are all accustomed to life's ups and downs, but when the downs outweigh the ups for more than a few weeks, we can start to slide into an unwanted pattern. Since mood is highly contagious, we can't help but affect those around us, for better or worse. If you or someone you know has experienced this, you know about depression.
Luckily, acupuncture can help lift a low mood. According to Chinese Medicine a mood is made of Qi (pronounced “chee”) or energy. Feelings are nothing more than energy vibrations. When the vibration is high, we feel more energized or electrified. When it's low, we feel less energized and quieter. Extremes of this become stressful. Because acupuncture tunes energy, it is particularly effective in regulating someone's mood. In fact, most people leave their acupuncturist's office feeling easier than when they came. It's not just what is said or the feeling of safety and relaxation in their acupuncturist's office. It's also the treatment itself which helps create change. Simply balancing and adjusting the flow of the Qi allows a person to feel natural and have a sense of well-being.
If a person wants to get better, they tend to have a very good rate of recovery from mood disorders. Sometimes it can take longer, particularly if a person has become comfortable with the extremely low and/or high feelings. Even in these cases, if he or she is willing to be patient and keep showing up, a new habit can be created. The desire to get better and make things different is crucial. Without this, recovery is much less likely.
In our world, there is room for everyone. There are all kinds of personalities and bodies. When we allow our higher self to be expressed, we are creating a large-minded, brighter world. The more a person identifies with his or her suffering as truth, the harder it is to rise above it. The more a person identifies with their higher thoughts and wisdom, the easier it is to make positive change and become a happier, more satisfied human being. And this feeling of well-being spreads with every life we touch. Being well is not selfish; it's a way to improve the world.
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