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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Connie Hambrock, PhD
Treatment For Post Concussion Syndrome
Hambrock Holistic Healing Center

Treatment For Post Concussion Syndrome

Every year, 24,000 children below the age of five have mild to Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) due to falling from shopping carts in the U.S.A.  250,000 U.S. children per year get treatment for concussions from sports injuries, according to ABC and NBC evening news reports in March 2014. An average of 53,000 people die yearly, in the USA from concussions or TBI according to the Center for Disease Control.

After getting a CAT scan to make certain there is no brain hemorrhaging or swelling, the ER will send you home telling you to drink plenty of water, and rest. They will tell you not to read, or play electronic games or sports for three to five days. But what if you have lingering headaches, dizziness, confused thinking, double vision, loss of equilibrium, ear ringing, or nausea? These symptoms are known as Post Concussion Syndrome or PCS, and experiencing more than one of these symptoms is quite

Any time there is a compression of the bones and membranes in the head or neck, there is a restriction to the flow and stabilizing pressure of cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF), blood flow, neural conductivity and the ability of the brain and surrounding membranes to function as they normally would. CranioSacral Therapy is one of the few treatment avenues that are available to treat PCS with good, long-lasting results, according to PT and OT Today magazine.

CranioSacral Therapy originated as part of Dr. W. G. Sutherland’s experiments. As an osteopathic physician in the 1800’s, he learned that compression of certain cranial bones created restrictions that caused pain, and even personality changes. To relieve these restrictions, he created a technique of gentle pressure and subtle movements of the head and neck. Dr. Upledger furthered this approach by adding work with the hydration of the cranial membranes and the pulses of the CSF as it travels through the body.

By working with the system that balances the bones and CSF – and rehydrates the membranes – pain can be relieved, and pressure released from the spine and nerves. This allows vision, hearing, and brain neural chemistry to return to normalcy.
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