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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Hypnosis For the Holidays
Happy Hour Yoga Center

Hypnosis For the Holidays

The holidays can be fun and exciting, or they can be stressful and sad. Holidays have a lot of feelings attached to them. Feelings come from your thoughts and emotions. A thought creates feelings and feelings create emotions as a result of your thoughts. Holidays have a feeling that creates emotions.

The good news is you can control your thoughts and emotions, by simply following the thoughts to a point where you can stop the thought that is leading to a feeling, which is attached to an emotion you don’t like.

Holidays are not always pleasant, especially if something unpleasant happened on or around that holiday. So how can you change that? You cannot change what has happened; however you can change how you visualize (think) about what has happened. It requires thoughts and imagination about the whatever.

How do you change something so profound that has caused an imprint in your subconscious mind? It is there, how can you change that?

When something so profound has happened to you, say for instance, someone died on or around that holiday, how can that be pleasant? That is pleasant because they lived to that day. They lived to see another holiday. They lived long enough for you to have shared your life, and experiences with that person.

Using your imagination is not pretending, it’s just reprogramming your subconscious mind. Changing the imprint to something your conscious mind can handle. Changing the imprint helps you to heal and move on. You change the channel of your mind and then you can rewrite the script. When rewriting the script the subconscious mind is not concerned with whether it is true or false, the subconscious mind takes words very literally.

Holidays are a good time for you to write your story and live your story. Your story is your life, and you have control of your life. You may not have full control over what has happened to you, however you will be able to handle the situations that caused you to rewrite your story.

Sometimes your stories are so deeply imbedded into your subconscious mind, so deep you may not be able to reach the depth, of the underlying issue. PTSD is a state where this is evident. When this is the case, hypnosis is a tool that can help you reach the depth of the underlying issue.

Hypnosis allows the subconscious mind to become open. When it is open we can see the problem and at that time we can change the pictures of the mind. We can then see the issues that are causing your emotions, thought and mental pictures. With hypnosis you are aware of your thoughts and actions. Hypnotists can help you to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Happy Holidays.

Sat Nam/Namaste
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