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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Robert M. Cohl, DC
Quintessential Applications
Cohl Chiropractic Center
. https://cohlchiropractic.com/

Quintessential Applications

The benefits of treatment by a health professional trained in applied kinesiology (AK) are exceptional. AK is an established post-graduate program open to physicians who diagnose and treat patients, available throughout healthcare system since 1976. The body, rather than the symptoms, is treated, resulting in lasting health. AK is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standards of medical diagnosis.

Within the last few years, Dr. Walter H. Schmidt has restructured the process of applied kinesiology to assist the body in achieving health on a deeper, fuller deeper level. Whereas applied kinesiology looks at the body's primary presenting symptoms and does a wonderful job addressing them through the health triad. Quintessential applications (QA) helps the body identify past injuries and deep-seated health imbalances. By helping the body uncover long forgotten, dormant or near-imperceptible imbalances, a health care provider trained in QA will not only address presenting problems but assist the body in meeting underlying needs that might create health problems in the future. Through QA, long-term optimal health is achieved.

The key difference between applied kinesiology and QA is the diagnostic process. With QA the presenting symptoms are noted but the diagnostic process begins at a much deeper level and follows a specific path. Without going into detail, the QA process of diagnosis and treatment addresses

1. Injury recall patterns

2. Systemic nutritional factors

3. Systemic structural factors

4. Electron Transport Chain functions

5. Heart-focused activities

6. Systemic Endocrine factors

7. Sources of autonomic dysfunction and GI disturbances

8. Emotional distress (biochemical, neurological and psychological)

9. Local (presenting) problems

By following this diagnostic and treatment protocol, the body heals fully and completely rather than simply being managed and controlled. Ill-health symptoms are eliminated and optimum health is achieved. More detailed explanations about QA can be found at www.quintessentialapplications.com.

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