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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Corey Malnikof, DC
Fibromyalgia? There Is Another Way!
Palmer Care Chiropractic
. http://sterling.palmercare.com/

Fibromyalgia? There Is Another Way!

“I have chronic pain that moves randomly to different areas of my body.” “I am constantly fatigued and nothing seems to help.” “The doctors have been trying to figure out what is going on and finally the other day I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.” Does this sound familiar? I hear this so often in my clinics.

The problem with this diagnosis is that it is chronic. Meaning it is going to last a very long time, most likely a lifetime. You will most likely be prescribed pain killers, and NSAIDS (anti-inflammatory), possibly even the newest experimental drug out there in an effort to help you. While the doctor will have your best interest in heart, the best possible results you will see are that the drugs will mask your symptoms.

The worst part of taking drugs to try and help your pain levels are the side effects. There are no prescription drugs that exist that do not have side effects. In the case of long term pain killers, and NSAIDS, you are looking at stomach, GI, liver, and vascular issues. You end up trading one symptom for another.

I understand that everyone has a threshold. The pain and/or fatigue can get so bad that you cannot even participate with the world. I am grateful that prescription drugs exist so that when they are necessary, they are there for us, but as a long term answer, I had to believe that there was another option.

After spending years working with thousands of patients, I came to two conclusions. First, no two cases are the same. Second, not everyone responded the same to every treatment, and that I needed to create a unique plan for everyone. I also learned what worked, and what didn't.

What I found is that there were a few basic culprits that were leading to the pain and chronic fatigue. These included

A dysfunction in the Nervous System

Sympathetic overload (A stressed out overactive nervous system)

A lack of Oxygen

A lack of sleep

A lack of Nutrition

Allergies and/or sensitivities

Toxicity (including heavy


Once I finish my examination and determine the major causes, I then prescribe the necessary steps to start improving my patient's symptoms. I prescribe treatments including but not limited to Light Force chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, detoxifications, Ionizing foot baths, laser therapy, oxygen therapy, and nutritional supplements just to name a few.

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