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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
The Importance Of Proper Nutrition
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

The Importance Of Proper Nutrition

When it comes to cancer early detection is best.When cancer is detected early the healer has time to treat the person as well as the disease.

Ayurveda focuses on building up the person and minimizing side effects of the body. It focuses on building up the immune system functions, improving nutrition, and identifying causes that lead to disease. Disease is a biological process that affects the entire body. The food we eat such as white sugar, toxins, heavy metals, processed foods, and an acidic environment may contribute to disease.

Regular exercise, a quality multivitamin and regular detoxification are very important to rebuilding the body's biological system. It is said that the body should be 80% alkalize and 20% acidic. Emotions and stress can produce acid in the body and weaken the immune system, which creates an environment for cancer growth.

Preventative measures include eating a low fat, plant-based diet, working on your flexibility and strength, practicing healthy sleep habits, and participating in stress-reducing activities, such as yoga. Using alternative non-toxic treatments and approaches can also have a profound effect on the person and add years to their life. For cancer patients, foods should consist of balanced meals, whole diets, unprocessed foods, organic foods, simple meals, and other foods that promote detoxification. Nutrients in foods can affect the mechanism by which the cells grow and spread.

Food such as green tea, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, grapefruit, lemons, tomatoes, cinnamon, kale, grape see, oil, and pomegranats play a major role in strengthening the immune system and resistance the overall healthfduring chemotherapy and radiation.

The mind and spirit play a significant role in how you heal. The powerful role of the mind, emotions, and spirit plays a significant role in helping to resist disease and be healthy. Think positive and stay well.

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