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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Paul Rhyu, DC, OMD, PhD
What Is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Natura Pain Clinic

What Is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-surgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging. It is based on the principles of Oriental medicine, which involves the insertion of very thin disposable needles designed to be used only for the face, into the groups of designated acupuncture points on the face where needed.

This superficial insertion on the face will increase the local circulation of both blood and energy (called Qi – pronounced CHEE) to the face and stimulate collagen production, which will help fill in facial lines and tighten the skin. It also can help tone the targeted facial muscles, which gives firmness to the skin for a healthy, glowing complexion.

How Does It Work?

Acupuncture is used on the face to stimulate and balance the energy and at the same time, treat the underlying factors that contribute to the aging process. This involves the insertion of hair-thin disposable needles into specific areas on the face, ears, and hands.

The needles are inserted into the energy pathways or meridians to improve the flow of Qi. As the movement of energy improves, a greater amount of energy and blood is circulated to the face, nourishing, hydrating, toning and diminishing the appearance of wrinkles.

What Are the Benefits of
Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture can take years off your face. It helps to reduce or eliminate fine lines and makes the deeper lines look softer. It can also help to minimize dark circles, puffy eyes, a double chin, sagging skin, and drooping eyelids. Other benefits can include

Increases circulation, therefore oxygenates the skin

Tightens the pores, and brightens the eyes

Nourishes the skin, giving you a healthy complexion with a natural glow and younger looking skin

Moisturizes the skin from inside and gives rosy cheeks to people with dull, tired looking skin

Helps minimize or eliminate fine lines that are visable

Helps lift sagging skin and puffy or droopy eyelids

Increases collagen production

Brightens the eyes

Improves muscle tone and dermal contraction

Improves hormonal balance to reduce acne

Improves facial color and tone

Softens scars

Increases blood, energy and lymph circulation

Leaves you feeling refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated.
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