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Dima Ali, MD
Tired of Refilling?
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine

Tired of Refilling?

Latest Breakthrough On Facial Fillers

There is no doubt that minimally invasive rejuvenation procedures are becoming increasingly popular among aesthetic doctors and patients alike. Whether it's a lunchtime laser treatment, Botox or chemical peel, the popularity of little to no down time procedures to minimize or reverse the visible signs of aging is clearly on the rise. One of the latest in the anti-aging armamentarium is an injectable facial implant called Artefill by Suneva Medical.

A Unique, Long Lasting Implant For Soft Tissue Enhancement

This is the third generation of a unique polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) microsphere based volumizing agent. Artefill is different than other fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Sculptra and Radiesse in that it is a “dual-acting” filler.

The collagen in Artefill visibly corrects the wrinkles while the microspheres provide the support your skin needs for long-lasting, natural feeling and natural looking wrinkle correction. The immediate correction from the collagen lasts approximately 2-3 months until it is resorbed by the body. The PMMA microspheres stay behind and act as stimulators to your own skin's collagen, thereby achieving a much longer lasting result.

Artefill is therefore considered a “permanent” soft tissue filler. It is important to keep in mind that aging is an ongoing, dynamic process. Thus, whether you're having a full facelift or you're opting for a combination of minimally invasive procedures, you will continue to age.

Bone loss and weakening support structures, breakdown of collagen and elastin from environmental exposure will continue to happen regardless of what is done to prevent and maintain a reasonably youthful appearance.

Artefill is FDA approved for use in the nasolabial folds (smile lines), the creases that run from the nose to the corner of the mouth. However, I have safely used it for other areas where a prolonged augmentation may be achieved. Such areas include the marionette lines (the creases that run from the corners of the mouth down towards the chin), the glabellar lines or infamous “11s” between the brows, the depressed temple area, various scar defects and even cheek enhancement. However, very fine, superficial wrinkles do not respond well as there is a higher risk of lumpiness.

A Long History and Excellent Safety Profile

The efficacy and safety profile of Artefill has been demonstrated for over 60 years and in US clinical trials with almost 400 patients in eight medical centers.

What To Expect During Treatment

A full correction can be achieved at your first treatment however, you may decide to space the treatments apart to achieve the desired result more gradually. Side effects are very similar to other filler agents and include temporary swelling, redness and bruising at the injection site.

Depending on the area to be treated, a topical anesthetic can be used for comfort. The anesthetic component of Artefill makes it very well tolerated in skilled hands.
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