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The Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries For Women in 2024
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The Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries For Women in 2024

The Most Popular Cosmetic Surgeries For Women in 2024

Cosmetic surgery has advanced so much over recent decades that women can enjoy a vast selection of treatments with impressive results. In 2023, thousands went to clinics in the UK to make the changes they desired. The following stats are taken from Statista and show the 10 most common procedures experienced by women in the UK. These stats show a clear demand for treatment, with many of the procedures appearing to be for cosmetic and body image issues.

The Top 10 Cosmetic Procedures For UK Women

1) Breast Augmentation

The number one procedure for 2023 probably won’t come as a massive shock. 4918 people went in for procedures to increase the size of their breasts or improve their shape in some way. There is the immediate assumption that these procedures were for implants and significant size increases. However, there may be other women looking for reconstructive surgery for improved self-confidence.

2) Breast Reduction.

What is interesting following that last stat is the number of people that underwent breast reduction surgery. With 4399 people signing up, almost one person was going down a cup size or more for everyone going higher. Perhaps this is an indication that beauty standards are evolving, and women are encouraged to feel more comfortable with proportional bodies.

3) Abdominoplasty

This refers to any surgical procedure to improve the look and shape of the abdominal regions. There are various options available, which might explain why 2641 people were having the surgery last year. Many will go in to remove fat and tighten up the area. Women who struggle with self-esteem because of belly fat or a lack of tone may take the surgical route when diet and exercise fail. Some successfully reduced their belly fat but were left with excess skin. Then some have stretch marks in the area, either from weight loss or childbirth, and want to get rid of those. In a culture where the ‘beach-ready body’ is still important, this figure isn’t a massive surprise.

4) Blepharoplasty

This next treatment is more surprising because it has a similar figure but is more niche. 2461 people went in for eyelid treatments in 2023. Our eyelids can give away a lot about our age and make us feel self-conscious. When we meet new people and make eye contact, we can see the bags under the eyes or the drooping eyelids that come with age. So, it is understandable that older women want to tighten these areas up when skin care regimens don’t seem to do enough to help.

5) Liposuction

Liposuction is still popular with those who want a quick way to remove excess body fat. This ties into the group of people dealing with abdominal issues, as some will elect for liposuction of belly fat. However, the treatment can help in other areas too. Essentially, if there is an area that can develop a fatty build-up, you can probably go in to have it treated. Some will enhance their silhouette by removing ‘love handles’, while others will focus on the stubborn fat on their inner thighs or buttocks. Either way, with 2211 women signing up in 2023, there is still a market for these procedures.

6) Face/Neck Lifts

These surgeries should be lumped together in the same category because they are different procedures. Still, 1631 women went in for either a facelift or neck lift. Facelifts are a well-known option for altering the shape of a face and removing loose skin to make it more youthful. You can adjust the contours of the face and smooth everything out to take years off your appearance. The same is true for neck lifts, which are a great way to handle ‘turkey neck’ and other complaints.

7) Rhinoplasty

Better known as a nose job, there are still women opting to surgically alter the shape of their nose. The rise of make-up techniques for contouring does allow women another way to make their noses look slimmer. However, this can also project beauty standards onto women with naturally larger or flatter noses. Those who want a permanent solution can go under the knife. 1565 people did so in 2023.

8) Fat Transfer

This procedure helps women alter the shape of their bodies differently. They may have areas they feel could benefit from being a little fuller and plumper, such as their breast or buttocks. One way to do this naturally, without implants or fillers, is to move fat from one part of the body and inject it into the target area. 1259 women underwent this treatment last year.

9) Breast Implant Removal

This next surgery is interesting because it ties in with the breast reduction stat above. 840 people opted for breast implant removal. The reasons for this can vary. Some may have decided to go back to a natural state, while others may have had complications with their implants. There’s also the fact that breast implants have a lifespan. After 10 years, it’s important to decide whether to upgrade to a better option or stop using them.

10) Labiaplasty

The final entry on this list isn’t talked about as often because of the intimate location of the surgery. However, there is the option to remove tissue around the genitals for comfort and confidence about their appearance. 680 people opted to do so last year.

Getting The Best Cosmetic Treatments in London.

London is still the most sought-after location for cosmetic procedures in the country. Some patients will look for independent clinics closer to home. However, there is the sense that cosmetic surgery in London is more established and respected, with plenty of high-quality clinics. It makes more sense to travel down to the city and book surgery with a leading specialist than to compromise with a clinic closer to home.

The stats above show that not only are thousands of women getting the treatment they want but there is a vast range of surgical options out there. So, take some time to decide if cosmetic surgery is right for you and, if so, which route to take. You can then book an appointment with a leading London specialist and get closer to the changes you want to see.
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