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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
James L. Holding, DC, CCSP, Board Certified Chiropractic Sports Phys
The Five Most Dangerous Words "Maybe It Will Go Away"
Holding Chiropractic

The Five Most Dangerous Words "Maybe It Will Go Away"

In the United States it's estimated that 75 million Americans have back problems. Each year more than seven million people become new victims. Eight out of ten people will suffer sometime in their life with back afflictions.

Low back pain is one of the most common ailments known to man. Second only to headaches, it will affect nearly every one of us at some stage of our active adult life.

Most victims recover with conservative treatment, but the chances are pretty good that once a person has had a backache, they will suffer repeated attacks.

Your spinal column is a series of 24 moveable bones called vertebra. A channel downward through the vertebrae houses and protects the spinal cord and nerves. Between the front and back sections of each vertebrae is a hole through which the nerves leave the spinal cord. These nerves form a network, which reaches every living tissue in your body. Proper functioning of these nerves is essential to every phase of your life.

Research indicates that most low back and associated leg pain is caused by mechanical problems in the alignment of one or more segments of the lower spine. These spinal segments may be displaced by a fall, accident, sports injury or back strain. When a segment (vertebrae) is displaced beyond a critical point, it partly closes the nerve opening between adjacent segments. The result is excruciating pain.

The spinal nerves, which supply the legs, pass through the openings between the adjacent segments of the lower spine. When one of these segments is displaced, the nerves to the legs might be pinched or irritated. This brings about the nerve pain in the hip that often extends down the leg, known as sciatica.

Rarely do these misaligned vertebrae correct themselves spontaneously and permanently.

Most medical authorities agree that in treating patients with low back pain, whenever possible, conservative care should be tried first before resorting to more radical steps like surgery and intensive drug therapy.

Chiropractic experience shows that individuals with acute and chronic problems of this nature respond extremely well. Under conservative care, 85% of low back problems can expect significant improvement. Only rarely is it necessary for a patient to undergo surgery.

The chiropractor uses no pain killing drugs so when pain is relieved, the patient can be sure the doctor is working on the underlying cause and not just the pain symptoms.

The chiropractor has a minimum of six years of college study and two years of clinical internship prior to entering private practice.

The person with back problems is truly in need of appropriate treatment; as a specialist in problems of

the spine, nerves and muscles, the doctor of chiropractic is recognized as most qualified to deal with back problems.
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