Four Seasons Salon & Spa
21100 Dulles Town Circle
Sterling, VA 20166
(703) 421-9800
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The Benefits Of Massage Therapy
For many of us, our daily lives are filled with deadlines, endless hours on the phone, sitting in front of our computers and dealing with rush-hour traffic; not to mention the to-do list that never seems to end.
Your eyes are twitching, your shoulders and back ache, and your head feels like it's in a vice. After a while, your family and friends no longer recognize who you are anymore. You seem to be on edge all the time, you can't sleep, you're short-tempered, and you're becoming forgetful. Does any of this sound familiar?
These are the effects that stress can have on us mentally and physically. It's the silent killer that will quickly age you, slowly turn you inside out and your life upside down if you continue to ignore it.
Massage therapy is no longer considered a luxury for the wealthy, but an affordable, drug-free approach for anyone looking to alleviate pain and stress. We need to start changing the way we think about massage, it's more than just a gentle rub-down; it can drastically improve your health, physically and mentally.
One of the most significant benefits of massage is the reduction of stress. Stress accounts for up to 90 percent of all visits to a primary care physician because of headaches, backaches, neck pain, eyestrain, poor concentration, anxiety, depression, irritability, anger, high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers and, chronic fatigue.
Massage helps to counteract your body's negative response to stress by relaxing muscle tension, and allows your blood pressure, heart rate and circulation to return to normal. Massage increases cellular function, relieves pinched nerves and contracted muscles brought on by chronic tension patterns.
Additionally, chronic stress wears down our immune response, which leaves us vulnerable to catching colds, the flu, secondary infections, with the added bonus of weight gain.
Our schedules are very busy with work, kids and family obligations which cause us to put our own needs on the back burner. Call a massage therapist to make your appointment today, ensuring you get the day and time that fits your schedule best instead of waiting for a free moment that never seems to come.
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