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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Brenda Dintiman, MD
Skincare and Self-Care During This Holiday Season

Skincare and Self-Care During This Holiday Season

The holiday season traditionally brings disruption and challenges to our self-care routines and can lead to a flare of many skin conditions. Rosacea, eczema, acne and psoriasis can all worsen due to changes in our diet and the cold winter weather.

Although there will be less parties and gatherings during this holiday season, we will face new challenges as we continue to focus on preventing the spread of COVID-19 by wearing our mask and frequently washing our hands.

  • Tip # 1: Avoid mask-ne, acne flares by washing with a gentle cleanser and applying adapalene, an over the counter product, to your oily areas. This will decrease plugging of the pores under your mask. Consult a board certified dermatologist if you develop tender red cysts or pustules for further treatment.
  • Tip # 2: Instead of drinking an alcohol sugar filled holiday drink, make a spritzer with sparkling soda, fresh berries and lime to prevent your skin from flushing. This will help prevent a flare of your rosacea and prevent flushing. 
  • Tip # 3: Protect your hands from irritation from frequent hand washing and antibacterial hand sanitizer dryness by applying a moisturizer after washing your hands. The best products contain ceramides or colloidal oatmeal and can be found at your local drug store. Vaseline can also be helpful.
  • Tip # 4: Prevent Mask-itis – itching and redness under the eyes and across the cheek by applying a thin coat of Vaseline or ceramide containing moisturizer.
  • Tip # 5: Although it’s the season for baking cookies and treats, try to include fruits and nuts in your diet to help prevent a flare of your rosacea and acne.
  • Tip # 6: Add a meditation practice to your routine. Stress and anxiety can also cause flares of psoriasis and eczema. 
  • Tip # 7: Wear gloves when decorating or gathering plants to decorate your house. Beware of allergic reactions that can develop due to touching evergreens and even plants such as rosemary and poinsettias. 
  • Tip # 8: Take time this holiday season to practice gratitude and to reach out to others in need. The practice of gratitude helps create a sense of well-being and releases endorphins. Take a walk outside or reach out to a friend by phone or writing a letter. Sometimes the smallest gesture can help support and bolster someone in need during these stressful times.
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