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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Robert M. Cohl, DC
Sacro-Occipital Technique
Cohl Chiropractic Center
. https://cohlchiropractic.com/

Sacro-Occipital Technique

Sacro-Occipital Technique (S.O.T.) is a comprehensive and advanced concept of chiropractic pioneered and developed through the study, research and clinical application of Dr. M.B. DeJarnette. For more than half a century Dr. DeJarnette researched and studied every aspect of the anatomy and physiology of the human being. He found that distortions in the human structure compromise the normal biochemical and neurological functioning of our bodies.
At birth the human body has maximum health and maximum tolerance and is asymptomatic. Injury occurs at a very early age in the form of birth injuries (forceps delivery), falls, knocks and bumps. The body adapts and compensates for these injuries. As one grows the body is continually subjected to many types of stress. These can be physical, emotional, dietary, traumatic and/or environmental in nature.
All this time the body is free of symptoms. However, as these stresses accumulate through life, ones natural tolerance (resistance) becomes less and less, and the bodys ability to adapt and compensate becomes less and less. Structural changes to the spine and pelvis will affect balance and stability of the sacro-occipital pump. The minute pulses between the occiput and sacrum will become irregular and change the free flow of C.S.F (cerebra-spinal fluid). This creates CSF pressure change, increased toxicity, loss of nutrition and a breakdown of essential nerve energy transmission. Finally, a stage is reached where there is no more room for adaptation and compensation, and symptoms begin to appear.
An established condition or disease process causes organ systems to malfunction and produce pain and symptoms. The spine and pelvis may deteriorate into degenerative changes, as there is a gradual breakdown in the physiological adaptive range. This decline in tolerance may manifest as disease. Chiropractors trained in S.O.T. work to re-establish structural stability, improving neurological function and tolerance by reversing this degeneration process. With a higher level of tolerance, the body is better able to compensate and adapt. It becomes symptom free, increases the physiological adaptive range, thereby achieving a higher level of health.
Chiropractic Care
Your chiropractor is the only person in the health field who is qualified to stabilize the spine and pelvis, and to restore normal balance to the sacral pump mechanism. Only when the sacral pump circulates CSF will the nervous system perform to the level to which is was designed. Proper CSF flow in the brain and the spine enhances the function of the nervous system.
Chiropractic care, with the addition of S.O.T., is a means of health restoration by opening nerve channels so that the body may heal itself. For the healthy individual, it is a periodic check-up to ensure early correction to spinal and potential nerve dysfunction.
S.OT is not a therapy that treats named diseases. It is a system of removing the cause of nerve malfunction using minimum force to restore and maintain health. S.O.T. employs the use of wedge shaped blocks to allow the body to seek its correct alignment and balance. There are many combinations of block positions used, and these are determined by tests that precede each adjustment. S.O.T. recognizes the importance of body language in the form of neurological tests, weak muscles, tender areas and other signs and indicators to determine the type of adjustment needed. As the body responds and heals, stress areas around the body are eliminated and natural tolerance levels are reinstated.
Home Care Your Responsibility
Healing is a process that only your body can facilitate. As such, it is your responsibility to eat correctly, rest, minimize stress and follow your chiropractors instructions. Your restoration to health is dependent on the care and advice you receive, and your willingness to co-operate accordingly.

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