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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kristy Keck, LMT
Massage Therapy Benefits Acne
Kristy Keck Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy Benefits Acne

Acne is a condition in which a person becomes susceptible to small, localized skin infections usually on the face, neck, and upper back.

Changing hormone levels trigger many things including excess sebum levels. Sebum is the oil produced by the sebaceous glands whose primary function is to lubricate hair shafts in the dermis layer of our skin. When even a tiny particle, like a bit of duct lining or a flake of dead skin obstructs the sebaceous duct, sebum rapidly accumulates behind the blockage. The pooling of oil in the hair shafts is an open invitation to the bacteria that grow on the skin. The majority of acne lesions are due to a particular bacteria microbe Propionibacterium acnes. This bacterium produces enzymes that exacerbate inflammation and cause bacteria to clump together, which causes more colonization of the sebaceous ducts.

Stress can upset endocrine balance and slow the activity of immune system cells. If the macrophages (immune system cells) in your skin are sluggish, they cannot effectively fight off the invading bacteria that are trying to colonize the sebaceous glands. In addition, once the infection has subsided, those same suppressed macrophages are slower to consume the residual dead bacteria and white blood cells, which means that it takes longer for pimples to fade.

Liver congestion makes it difficult for the body to neutralize the normal amounts of testosterone in the system. This leads to excess sebum production, bacterial colonization of sebaceous glands, and all the signs of acne. What causes liver congestion? While it differs person to person, generally high-fat diets, smoking, drugs, and pollutants are the most common culprits.

It is important to understand that treating acne requires more than just applying products to the affected area. It is about improving your overall health, which will strengthen your immune system, strengthen your liver function, and enable your body to fight off unwanted bacteria naturally.

While fluctuating hormone levels are expected for adolescents, addressing diet, stress levels, and detoxifying the liver are all actions that can directly affect skin health.

Commonly known benefits of massage therapy include reducing stress levels, strengthening your immune system, and detoxifying your body. This is how massage therapy can help balance the body, bringing it into a better state of health and reduce the symptoms of acne.

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