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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Sheilah Lynch, MD
Is Eyelid Surgery Right For You?
Sheilah A. Lynch, MD
. https://lynchplasticsurgery.com/

Is Eyelid Surgery Right For You?

Blepharoplasty (bleph a ro plas ty) or “eyelid lift” is a commonly performed surgical procedure that addresses puffiness and excess skin of the upper lids, lower eyelids or both.

Upper Lids

As we age, the elasticity of our skin decreases, and we begin to see excess skin of the upper lid that can obscure our natural crease and even cause hooding or overhang of skin on the upper lid. Unfortunately, no amount of rest or creams will permanently reduce these symptoms.

A blepharoplasty can surgically remove excess skin and herniated/protruding fat. Incisions are concealed in the natural upper lid crease.

Lower Eyelids

If only excess fat is present in the lower lids, it may be removed through an incision inside the lid with no external incision or scar. This will heal naturally over 24 hours and requires no stitches. This is called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty.If there is excess fat and skin, a fine incision below the lash line is made to remove fat and skin together. This outpatient procedure takes about an hour and stitches are removed at your follow-up visit at five days. Bruising around the eye area lasts from 5-7 days and can be hidden with make-up or sunglasses.

Preparing For Surgery

The office consult takes about 30-45 minutes, starting with an evaluation of your health.

Particular attention will be paid to the degree of puffiness and excess skin present on the lids in order to design a surgery that is right for you. At a scheduled pre-operative visit, two weeks prior to surgery, you will receive prescriptions and instructions on what medications to avoid, pre-and post-operative instructions and any additional questions will be addressed.

Is A Blepharoplasty Right For You?

The best surgical candidates are healthy, non-smokers. Contact wearers should go without contacts for two weeks after. Eyeglasses in this timeframe coincidentally help to hide bruising. Patients with dry eyes should consult their ophthalmologist before planning eyelid surgery.

Patients with visual field defects may get their upper eyelid surgery covered by insurance. After eyelid surgery, our patients have a rested, brighter more youthful look.

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