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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Linda Penkala, Author, LMT
Inner and Outer Skin Beauty Via Light Therapy Patches
Optimum Health For Life

Inner and Outer Skin Beauty Via Light Therapy Patches

Inner and Outer Skin Beauty Via Light Therapy Patches

Women’s healthier options to enhance the integrity of their skin, our largest organ, is a $23 billion market in the United States. As the demand for organic and more natural options rises, one simple, affordable, cutting-edge wellness technology offers a bright light! Photobiomodulation (a 100-year-old healing modality) offers precisely that, stimulating your inner physician with a 50-cent-size patch on the skin over particular acupuncture points. This natural approach to skin health and overall health, provides a safe and reassuring option for your wellness journey.

One great example is the sun hitting the skin, which signals the body to create Vitamin D. There is nothing one physically needs to do for this automatic bodily process to make a physical, organic change. On this same level, a patented organic nanocrystal technology within a patch picks up our infrared light. On specific acupressure points in the body, it then transfers light to energy flow. One patch, X39, is clinically proven to increase human GHK-Cu copper peptide, significantly increasing stem cells. Our stem cells are a billion strong at age 20, 250 million weaker by age 50, and by age 80, healthy stem cells decline by 95% to 50 million.

To date, many looking for invasive stem cell therapy may have to travel abroad, costing anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000 per treatment, with a series of them usually suggested. The result is that this therapy only has a 30% proliferation or reproductive rate post-injection. With those statistics and extreme pricing, a better outcome with less expense becomes viable. The Life Wave x39 patch is less than $100 monthly with clinical studies, a patent, and scientific resources to back this technology.

Over decades in the health and wellness field, I have shared and applied quite a few added modalities, from ancient (essential oils) to cutting-edge modern tools (phototherapy patches), for the benefit of clients. To offer a non-transdermal, drug and chemical-free patch that helps lower pain and inflammation is a gift. Having them at my fingertips for clients is invaluable and one simple, affordable application for healing. (Lifewave Light Therapy)

As women age, skin changes and may become thinner and less elastic, dryer, and show visible veins or wrinkles. These may be the result of lifestyle choices such as sun exposure, unhealthy diets, no exercise, smoking, and alcohol, along with the devastating effects of unchecked stress. To promote healthy skin and beauty from within, reach for choices that are simple, easy on the budget, and exceptional in the outcome. Graceful aging, as you look and feel confident, can bless you in the years to come!
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