Kay Plastic Surgery
5530 Wisconsin Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(301) 951-5120
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Breast Contouring A New Image For the New Year
Body image is important to most women and breast shape contributes a lot. Changes can occur in the shape, size and overall appearance of the breasts from weight loss or gain, pregnancy and time. These changes can influence how you feel about your appearance.
Since the breast is composed of glands, supporting tissue and fat, but not muscle, all the exercise in the world will not change the size and shape of your breasts. Special bras can be a temporary solution, but may not help with some clothing and bathing suits. Breast enlargement, lift, or breast reduction can reshape your breasts. These procedures can make you feel better about yourself.
Fast Facts on Scarless
Breast Reduction
Procedure For select patients, scarless breast reduction can achieve a significant decrease in the weight and shape of the breast without the scars and loss of sensitivity often associated with traditional surgical reduction. Even men who want a firmer, flatter more masculine chest may obtain improvement with this technique. Those patients requiring significant lift of the breast with reduction may have a reduced scar procedure for maximum improvement.
Length of Procedure 1-2 hours in an outpatient facility.
Fast Facts on Breast Enlargement (Augmentation Mammoplasty)
Procedure Enhances the shape and size of breasts using saline or silicone breast implants, or a patients own body fat. Breast shape, size and projection can be improved and is determined by the natural breast tissue and body frame. A new generation of silicone gel implants is now available. These implants offer improved shape and a natural softness like breast tissue. A detailed consultation is required to determine the best options.
Length of Procedure 11/2-21/2 hours in an outpatient facility.
Recovery Usually return to daily activity within 3-5 days.
Fast Facts on Breast Lift
Procedure Stretched or sagging skin can be lifted and contoured to create breasts that are more rounded and firm. If needed, for some patients, volume can be restored at the same time with fat transfers to produce a more youthful shape. Breast implants may be added, usually at a later stage, if needed to enhance breast firmness and size.
Length of Procedure 1 1/2-2 hours in an outpatient facility.
Recovery Usually return to work within 3-5 days.
Restoring or Creating
Breast Symmetry
Procedure Most women have some asymmetry of the breasts. This may occur during normal breast development or may result after pregnancy. Small degrees of asymmetry require no treatment. When one breast is significantly larger or smaller than desired, or if the shape or nipple position is different, correction may be desirable. Application of the procedures described above can produce improved symmetry. The procedures will vary with the specific cause of the asymmetry.
Length of Procedure Varies with the procedure required (see above).
Return to work Generally return to work in 3-5 days.
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