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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Toni Greene, Owner
Ayurveda and Beautiful Skin
Happy Hour Yoga Center
. http://happyhouryoga-reiki.vpweb.com

Ayurveda and Beautiful Skin

Beautiful skin is radiant, clean and beautiful. The skin is an organ that needs to be cared for like all of the organs in the body. To have beautiful skin, it is important to know how to care for your individual skin. There are different types of skin.

In Ayurveda, a natural healing system that dates back over 5,000 years, there are three distinct body types, all of which are defined by the type of skin you have.

The three body types are: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Vata skin type is said to be dry, and is prone to skin problems like itchy skin, flaky skin, eczema, and psoriasis. Vata’s have problems with their skin because their elevated energy output uses up their lubrication. The skin may be dry most of the time or dry in patches and oily in others. Vata’s skin chaps easily and can have a tough texture.

Corns and calluses form easily on the bottoms of the feet, and they crack easily. Vata’s suffer from chapped lips and few moles and wrinkles.

Pitta skin is delicate, irritable and prone to rashes and pimples. Pitta skin is hot. Pitta skin has many moles and the skin wrinkles early.

The skin is usually red in color, especially after working out or when they are upset. The lips are usually deep red, and has a lot of volume of blood beneath the skin. Pitta skin blushes easily. In Ayurveda, acne is considered a Pitta imbalance.

Kapha skin is oily, smooth, thick and is usually well lubricated. Kapha skin has a moderate amount of hair and has a few moles. Kapha skin seldom has skin problems. Kapha lips are usually full and moist.

The biggest factor to consider in regards to skin care is how you feed your body. Some foods, such as dry, raw veggies, tend to make the Vata skin types more dry. Pitta skin types are affected by spicy, greasy, oily foods, and alcohol. The Kapha skin types rarely have problems.

To keep the skin healthy, it is important to wash oil from the body from head to toe. Drink fresh water several times a day, eat fresh vegetables, get enough sleep 5-8 hours nightly, stop drinking alcohol in excess, and stop smoking.

Facials, scrubs, massages, reflexology, Abhyanga (body oil massage done according to body type) are all excellent treatments to keep the skin and body healthy and beautiful. You are what you eat.


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