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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Anti-Aging Treatment Gets a Facelift With Platelet Rich Plasma
Zinnia Aesthetics & Anti-Aging Clinic

Anti-Aging Treatment Gets a Facelift With Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is well-proven for treating a myriad of joint injuries. Patients with rotator cuff tears, ligament injuries, sprains, tendonitis, chronic plantar fasciitis, and osteoarthritis of the knee, shoulder, hip and spine have been good candidates for PRP treatment.

It stands to reason that other body parts can also benefit from replenished collagen. Doctors coming to the same conclusion have identified cosmetic uses for the regenerative power of PRP.

Their research has shown great results. Although the method of isolating the plasma has been approved by the FDA, the use for cosmetic purposes has not. These applications are used “off label”.

How Does an Injury Heal Itself?

Tendons and ligaments are made up of fibers of collagen. These structures are vascular, meaning there are blood vessels in them. When these structures are injured, they bleed, initiating the healing process, which carries platelets and growth factors that create new collagen fibers.

PRP For the Face

Underneath the skin is a layer of structural proteins that give the skin its strength and elasticity. The proteins are 80 percent comprised of collagen fibers interwoven with elastin and other proteins. While we age the amount of collagen declines, making this layer less elastic. As a result, the skin begins to sag and wrinkle. Called the Vampire Facelift for the drawing of blood from the patient, PRP in the face has restored natural collagen in patients thereby reducing wrinkles.

PRP for Sexual Prowess

As with wrinkles in the face, PHP has been used to restore sexual arousal in both sexes. For women, the reduction in collagen in the G-spot, clitoris, and labia can decrease sexual desire, make it difficult to become aroused or reach orgasm, and even make sex painful.

The O-Shot uses the same procedure as the Vampire Facelift. It can take a few days to eight weeks after PRP treatment for women to enjoy sex again.

For men, the P-Shot is an all-natural, painless and non-surgical procedure that can rejuvenate and revitalize the penis. After receiving treatment men have reported enhanced sexual performance, stronger erections, and heightened sexual response.

PRP for Hair Regeneration

Hair follicles grow from the collagen-rich dermal layer of the skin. As the collagen levels decrease, the dermis loses elasticity and hardens, preventing hair growth.

Applying PRP treatment to the scalp has resulted in re-growing hair in the scalp where the hair root has not yet died. Candidates for this treatment are those with thinning hair, not bald scalps.

How Does PRP Work?

Please note that some patients may not be good candidates for PRP therapy. Anyone with blood-borne cancer not in remission for at least five years, other blood-borne diseases or current infections, cerebral palsy or Parkinson's disease, or patients using a high dosage of Coumadin would be advised by their doctor not to undergo PRP therapy.

NSAID users will be required to suspend their medication several days before their injections and for two days afterward.
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