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U.S. Dermatology Partners
10 Solutions For Sensitive Skin Care

10 Solutions For Sensitive Skin Care

For many people with sensitive skin, a professional treatment plan isn’t necessary. Making some small changes to your skincare routine, learning triggers, and taking steps to soothe the symptoms will effectively relieve the condition. Apart from a few more serious conditions, treatment is easy by making some simple changes to your daily routine.

1.  Visit Your Dermatologist

Treatment is very particular to the individual so visit your trusted dermatologist. They can carefully examine your skin, conduct tests for specific conditions, and partner with you to prevent future flareups and breakouts.

2.  Use the Right Skin Care Products

Use products with few ingredients and/or formulated for sensitive skin. Avoid sulfates, dyes, alcohol, exfoliants, and other harsh or abrasive agents. Look for moisturizing agents like glycerin and hyaluronic acid and those that will help to strengthen your lipid barrier like alpha-linolenic acid and ceramides.

3.  Always Wear Sunscreen

Even if it’s not sunny, always apply sunscreen to your face, hands, and any other exposed areas. Many facial moisturizers come with built-in sunblock, which can streamline your daily routine. Look for ingredients like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide.

4.  Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Because skin sensitivity is so often related to the body’s inability to retain moisture, keeping sensitive skin moisturized is essential. Make sure to apply a good moisturizer to the skin every day.

5.  Avoid Over-Washing

Washing too often, cleansers that are too abrasive, exfoliating skin unnecessarily can damage the outer layers of skin. Use cool or lukewarm water and gentle cleansers to avoid damaging the protective lipid barrier of the skin.

6.  Avoid Products With Fragrances

In most cases, product ingredients will simply list “fragrance”, so it’s hard to avoid specific fragrances that cause irritation. Look for products designated “fragrance-free”. Even “unscented” products can have some fragrance agents.

7. Try Products Before You Make Them Part of Your Routine

Spot testing products is essential. Apply the product as directed. The inner arm is a good place for testing. If you don’t see any reaction after a few days, try it on your cheek or forehead. If you still have no adverse response, it’s probably safe to use.

8.  Pay Attention To How
Cosmetics Affect Your Skin

Pay attention to the ingredients in cosmetics and look for products that are formulated for sensitive skin. Whenever possible, use makeup powders and pencils. These products sit on top of the skin rather than being absorbed into it. Throw out cosmetics that are more than six months old as the ingredient can degrade and cause irritation.

9.  Avoid Irritation From
Winter Weather

To minimize skin dryness, avoid spending too long in the shower or bath, especially in very warm water. Apply a gentle moisturizer to the skin immediately following your shower or bath. Keep skin covered with warm clothing when you’re outdoors and apply a moisturizer anytime you notice the skin is drying out.

10.  Pay Attention To
Certain Fabrics

It may sound silly, but wearing clothes made from certain fabrics can cause irritation. Soft, absorbent, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen are often the best option. Clothing should be loose-fitting and changed frequently. Avoid fabrics like wool.
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