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Lyn Lubic

The Essential Home Healer, LLC

Ashburn, VA

I do the most amazing thing!! I sell natural medicine – it’s safe, pure and effective! I teach people how to use plant medicine and essential oils as a more natural approach to healing. I love empowering people with natural remedies and tools. I love educating people about the power of essential oils and seeing their face light up when they open a bottle and smell the oils for the very first time. I love receiving text messages and emails from my customers on how the oils are improving their lives.

How We Got Started

I personally was burned out, and pushing myself so hard at my job when my body literally told me I needed to stop, pause, reevaluate my life, and find another way after nine surgeries on my left leg. I went on a journey to heal my body from the inside out, and dōTERRA came into my life right when I needed it. I had no clue how these little amber bottles were about to change my body and my life.

I experienced relief in a way I had not before. I could not believe that applying an oil to my head could take away that painful experience in minutes. I started researching and was amazed at what I found about essential oils on PubMed. I started using oils for emotional support during my healing journey. I was amazed how they would calm me and support my mood. I felt empowered. I had something safe that I could use when I needed it. dōTERRA has changed my life in more ways than I can count. It gave me an amazing community, like a family, of people who support one another.

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MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130