Your Guide To Doctors, Health Information, and Better Health!

Laura Deter, Certified Healthy Habits Coach

Compassion Circle Coaching

9610 Waterline Drive
Burke, VA

Drinking too much is NOT your fault!

Are you tired of lying about your alcohol use?

Are you tired of worrying about making it through the holidays without losing control of your drinking?

Are you tired of wondering if others know you don’t remember what happened the night before?

Are you tired of wondering if you made a fool of yourself or sent an inappropriate text, phone message, or email?

Will someone find out?

Our society pushes alcohol for every occasion – weddings, funerals, births, sporting events, relaxing after work, dealing with stress . . . I know there are more . . . And it’s even worse around the Holidays when we’re around family members who trigger us.

Then – when you are into the habit of drinking often, and you slip down into addiction, . . .

You’re told you have a disease or a moral failure and will have to quit immediately, abstain completely, and attend meetings in church basements for the rest of your life.

And you’re powerless.

No wonder you’re keeping your drinking a secret!

I’ve been there – and it’s hard. I’m here to give you hope. I have a better way.

What Does “Drink Responsibly” Mean Anyway

Not being honest with your doctor about alcohol use can be life threatening!

You are NOT an alcoholic and you DON’T have to quit immediately or forever.

I’ve been where you are – not at “rock bottom” but knowing that my drinking was harming my life and my relationships.

Less than a year after my last drink, I was able to attend a wedding and not want a drink.

I could go to a Football Game Watching Party at a bar and not be triggered.

I’ve dealt with physical pain from multiple knee surgeries and the emotional pain of losing a parent – without drinking a drop of alcohol.

My husband and friends will tell you that I’m an empathic, highly sensitive and very emotional woman.

I was using alcohol to numb all the hard things in my life that I couldn’t handle.

Life still gets hard, AND I KNOW in my gut and head that alcohol WON’T help me get through it.

I love being clear-headed!me get through it.

I love being clear headed!

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MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130