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Julio Matta, MPA

Synergy Meditation Center At St. Charles

White Plains, MD 20695

Our Focused Awareness Meditation Program is a 4 – week program meeting once a week, which provides the student education on how stress affects the body, mind, emotion and ability to focus, and teaches a simple 5 Step systematic process of proper seating, diaphragmatic breathing, systemic relaxation, Breath Awareness and Focuses the student on how to strengthen their meditation practice to achieve a more calm, relaxed and healthier lifestyle change. Our Tai Chi Chuan Aerobics program. Tai Chi Chuan in Chinese medicine is considered “Meditation In Motion”. It is a low impact gentle form of martial arts and exercise, which teaches a series of flowing, graceful slow-motion movements designed to harmonize the circulation of “Qi” (pronounced Chi) throughout our body. It has been medically and scientifically proven to improve health problems such as Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, reduces chronic pain, improve flexibility and so much more. It is a 12 – week program meeting once a week, which also teaches the student a 500-year-old form of martial arts.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130