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Jane Cunningham, PT

La Plata Physical Therapy, Inc.

La Plata Physical Therapy, Inc.
101 Centennial Street
Suite C
La Plata, MD 20646

Wellness Center
103 Centennial Street
Suite A
La Plata, MD 20646

Jane is originally from Northern Ireland, and has been a long time resident of Charles County. 

In the mid-1990’s she opened an office in La Plata. Following the tornado that hit La Plata in 2002, she re-located the office to the present location, which allowed her the opportunity to expand the services La Plata Physical Therapy provides. Jane’s personal goal is to offer quality care and to create an environment conducive to the comfort of the patients La Plata Physical Therapy serves. Jane also encourages continuous learning, and welcomes students to join her staff during their training.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130