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Eileen Hanlon, Owner

Brain Spa Neurofeedback

Office sessions at Friendship Heights

Distracted? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Burned out?
Train your brain and get more out of life

I started Brain Spa
to share the same brain training that helped me cope with the stress of daily life as a working single parent.

I first learned about neurofeedback when my daughter received a referral from her mental health treatment team. She found brain training easy and calming.

As she became a teenager and the challenges in our relationship increased, I tried brain training with NeurOptimal®. I found it helped me take a step back during emotional times and better handle stress. I slept better, felt more refreshed, and was better able to focus at work.

I continue to use NeurOptimal® at home during times of stress. I am a certified NeurOptimal® trainer, and hold degrees in public health and social work.

I look forward to welcoming you to Brain Spa!
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130