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Dr. Manuel Compas, DC

Compas Chiropractic Rehab Studio

1001 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite #401
Washington, DC

Compas Chiropractic is devoted to your health goals and helping you improve your quality of life! Here at Compas Chiropractic, we treat more than just the symptoms.

Our wellness experts get to the underlying cause of your neck pain, back pain, headaches and muscular tightness, ensuring you live a life free of discomfort.

As a leading chiropractic and wellness center, we make sure that all our clients are treated with care and compassion. We deliver more than a temporary relief with life-changing chiropractic therapies as well as massage therapy, that offer relief from pain.

A place to be! … A place to improve the quality of your life!! … A place to live a life free of pain and discomfort!!!
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130