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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
William A. Cox, DC
Spring Injuries and Chiropractic
Allegiance Chiropractic
. http://www.allegiancechiropractic.com

Spring Injuries and Chiropractic

Every year when the weather breaks, we rush out of the house like we were being held captive and have just been liberated.

Maybe you start your spring gardening, begin exercising a little more to prepare for the summer, or you have an outdoor sport or hobby you enjoy. Whatever it may be, many of us find any excuse to become more active when the temperatures rise and the sun emerges.

Inevitably, as we awaken from our winter hibernation, some of us are in need of a little help because we end up injuring ourselves. Still others, albeit too few, decide to be proactive and keep their bodies in good working order to avoid injury. Whatever the scenario, we chiropractors can help.

If you are not familiar with chiropractic, you are really missing out. Chiropractic is the practice of restoring the functionality and mobility of the joints and tissues of the body. A joint is any place where two bones meet.

These joints allow the body to move in space. When a joint has a restricted range of motion, the mechanics of the body are altered. These altered body mechanics are a cause of stress on the joints themselves and their adjacent tissues.

In the beginning, there may not even be any symptoms associated with these impediments. Over time however, the cumulative stress will cause symptoms and you may find yourself in quite a bit of pain.

By way of chiropractic examination and adjustment, we can identify the source of these symptoms and correct the restrictions so that the body can heal and return to a healthier state.

Let me make this clear doctors do not heal your body. Only your body has the ability to heal itself. Unfortunately, if the cause of an injury is not corrected, the problem may persist. This is why many people seem to have accepted their fate and believe that they will always have back pain, neck pain, or headaches.

A good chiropractor will seek out, identify, and correct the underlying cause of these problems. So remember, as you become more active outdoors this spring, whether or not you are having any symptoms, it is a great idea to visit a chiropractic office for a checkup.

MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130