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Mid-Atlantic Skin
Same Day Dermatology Appointments: Prevent Dermatological Issues From Becoming Progressively Worse
Mid-Atlantic Skin

Same Day Dermatology Appointments: Prevent Dermatological Issues From Becoming Progressively Worse

It’s not uncommon for patients to call a dermatologist’s office for an acute matter and be offered an appointment 4-6 weeks later. Not only is this frustrating, it’s also inefficient, ineffective, and can result in prolonged discomfort. The good news is that Mid-Atlantic Skin offers same day appointments – urgent care in Southern Maryland.

Immediate Expertise

Often times, dermatological issues can present suddenly and cause acute distress. When this happens, it’s important to have immediate access to medical dermatology professionals.

Same day appointments provide you with expert dermatological care when you need it most.

What Are the Benefits of Same Day Appointments in Maryland?

Same day appointments in Maryland allow patients to receive expedient diagnosis of skin concerns and appropriate treatment, helping them feel better sooner and return to their normal routines faster.

In fact, delayed or ineffective medical intervention can result in unnecessary treatments, prescriptions, and associated side effects.

What’s more, an appointment that day can prevent timely and inefficient trips to the emergency room. ER visits can also be very costly. Accordingly, they also offer a more affordable alternative.

Why Consider Same-Day Dermatology?

There are number of reasons that patients may wish to consider or need same-day appointments. These can include a new or mysterious rash, blister eruption, significant skin pain, evolving or suspicious mole, oral or genital sores, possible drug reaction, and flare-up or worsening of a chronic skin condition.
MD (301) 805-6805 | VA (703) 288-3130