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Emmanuel Moses, PT, CMTPT
Reduce Chronic Ankle Sprains
Evidence PT
. http://www.evidencept.com/

Reduce Chronic Ankle Sprains

The ankle is the most common site of sprains in the human body. An ankle sprain can happen to anybody at a time when you least expect it. Normally, it occurs after a sudden unnatural twisting of the foot, which can tear the ligaments of the ankle. An ankle injury affects every aspect of your daily life, most notably your ability to walk and drive.

The symptoms and sign of ankle sprains may vary depending on the severity. There might be tenderness, bruising, swelling and stiffness. Walking can be painful if the ankle sprain is serious.

Strength and balance exercises, which can be designed for you, can be effective at reducing the risk of ankle sprains and pain associated with the injury. Strength training utilizing the muscles that turn your foot in (these muscles are called the invertor muscles) and turn your foot out (these muscles are called the evertor muscles) may lower the incidence of ankle sprains.

Balance intervention training involves an assortment of strength training exercises. A physical therapist will teach you how to safely conduct these exercises so you eventually can perform them at home or your training facility

Depending on your needs, your physical therapist may recommend balance training using a balance board, which is an excellent way to stabilize and strengthen the muscles in the foot.

Combined, all the things your physical therapist can teach you can result in a significant reduction in the risk of injury to the ankle. This is especially valuable for athletes, individuals in jobs that require prolonged standing or constant movements, and women who spend a lot of time in heels.

Here are some of the ways that a physical therapist can help treat your ankle pain

Proper stretching exercise can help a patient who has tight muscles. In order to aid a patient in improving the function of his/her muscles, improving the range of motion, strengthening workouts, or increasing endurance and stamina are developed. Closed chain exercises are meant to assist in balancing the strength of muscles.

Joint mobilization is a manual therapy intervention used to assist in restoring joint motion by decreasing pain and joint stiffness.

Neuromuscular re-education is a therapeutic procedure that is used to improve balance, coordination, posture, kinesthetic sense and proprioception. Treatments may include exercises like single leg stance, the progressive use of a balance board and many more.

Don't hesitate to contact a physical therapist to help you to improve and reach your full recovery faster.

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