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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Duane J. Taylor, MD
New Technology Ballon Sinuplasty For Chronic Sinusitis
LeVisage, ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

New Technology Ballon Sinuplasty For Chronic Sinusitis

Every year millions of people are impacted by sinus problems. The impact this has on productivity at work and quality of life for countless individuals is tremendous, not to mention the recurring costs of medical treatments. The symptoms associated with sinus infections can include nasal congestion, facial pressure, facial pain, headaches, postnasal nasal drainage, chronic cough and difficulty sleeping. When these symptoms seem to persist and last for months and even years the problem might be known as a chronic sinus infection or chronic sinusitis. When these symptoms seem to temporarily resolve and then come back again perhaps monthly it can be known as recurrent sinusitis.

A relatively new procedure for the office (balloon sinus dilation or balloon sinuplasty) has made the management of chronic sinusitis in selected patients a much easier experience. A small balloon is inserted in the nose and positioned into the openings of the sinuses and then inflated to widen the openings and create tiny microfractures of the bone allowing the passages to stay open. Traditionally the treatment of most patients with chronic sinusitis after exhausting medical therapies (such as antibiotics, nasal sprays, nasal wash and management of allergies) has been functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), which requires surgical procedures in the operating room using telescopes and small instruments to widen the openings of the sinuses. These procedures require that the patients have general anesthesia in an operating room setting and to be off work for a week . FESS was a huge step forward in the management of sinus infections because it decreased the amount of recovery time and was a less destructive and invasive way of addressing these air filled spaces in our head known as sinuses.

This newer technology known as balloon dilation of the sinuses or balloon sinuplasty has taken the treatment again to another level.

It can performed safely and effectively for those patients who have not been successful with medical treatment. The office procedure in most cases requires only local anesthesia and

allows patients to be back to work the following day with minimal discomfort.
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