National Ovarian Cancer Coalition
925 Coachway
Annapolis, md 21401
(410) 849-3467
Listen It Whispers!
This was a slogan coined years ago for ovarian cancer since the signs and symptoms are so vague and can often be mistaken for many other less serious illnesses. Approximately 22,000 American women will be diagnosed this year and almost 14,000 will die of the disease.
The symptoms of ovarian cancer are ones that women do have at different times of their lives but if they persist for longer than a few weeks, it is so important to see a health care provider to discuss them.
Some things to consider
All women are at risk, even teens and young adults.
Early detection increases survival rate
Symptoms exist they can be vague but will increase over time
A Pap test does not detect ovarian cancer
There is no screening test at present
If there is any reason to believe that you may have ovarian cancer, it is imperative that a GYN/Oncologist perform the surgery for a more successful outcome.
Ovarian Cancer Risk factors
Genetic predisposition
Personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer
Increasing age
Undesired Infertility
The symptoms of ovarian cancer are
Swelling of the abdomen, sudden weight gain or bloating, trouble eating or feeling full quickly, feeling the need to urinate urgently or often in the absence of a UTI, persistent pelvic or abdominal pain or pressure. Other symptoms can include fatigue, upset stomach or heartburn, back pain, pain during intercourse, constipation, and menstrual changes.
The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition's mission is “To fight tirelessly to prevent and cure ovarian cancer and to improve the quality of life of survivors”. The Central MD Chapter of NOCC is fulfilling that mission in many ways. On Sunday, September 21, 2014 NOCC will host the 5th Annual 5KRun/3KWalk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer outside at Westfield Annapolis Mall. We walk to raise funds but we mainly walk to raise awareness of this deadly cancer. This year, Mrs. Maryland, Zereana Jess-Huff will be the keynote speaker. She will speak from her heart since she is an ovarian cancer survivor.
For up to date ovarian cancer facts visit NOCC website at For information on the Run/Walk or if you wish to volunteer call 443-433-2597 or email