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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Jim Bland, Director
How To Prevent Senior Falls At Home
. https://longhomeproducts.com/bath-remodel/

How To Prevent Senior Falls At Home

Unfortunately, a senior falls every second causing over 25% of ER admissions, 40% of nursing home admissions, and resulting in many permanently losing their independence. According to the CDC and the National Council for Aging Care, falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries for seniors today, or the event that results in them no longer being able to live at home. Most falls occur in one’s home with over 85% of them taking place in the bathroom!

Fortunately, so many of these falls can be prevented by making relatively minor modifications, especially in the bathroom, hallways, and entry ways to homes.

Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) is a designation issued by the National Association of Home Builders to entities that have completed extensive training and passed exams relative to identifying fall causing conditions in homes and how to complete specialized modifications that assist in preventing falls.

Preventing Falls starts with having a Home Safety Assessment conducted by CAPS designated professionals. The Assessment is a room-by-room inspection identifying conditions known to cause falls but that may not be readily visible to an untrained individual. Most assessments will include recommended modifications and approximate costs. Companies normally charge $300-$450 per assessment, though some will provide the service for free as part of their community outreach.

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