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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Donald Pelles, PhD
Mantras For Sensible Eating
Hypnosis Silver Spring

Mantras For Sensible Eating

Here are some of the things I say to myself regarding food and eating.

1. Food does not mean anything. Cookies do not call to me. Ice cream is not my Waterloo. I decide what I'm going to eat, or not the food does not make me eat it. The food is free? Well I am free also to pass on it if it suits me.

2. I eat food that is delicious. The point is to enjoy, to relish what you eat. Bulk, quantity, you don't need that is not enjoyable. If it's really good, you don't need all that much. Delicious food eat it slowly, in small bites, savoring each one. That's how to really enjoyeating.

3. I stop when I've had enough. Enough is enough. Any more is too much, making you feel stuffed, bloated. Too much screws up your digestion. Though she loved you, in this one thing your mother was mistaken you don't have to clean your plate.

4. I eat s l o w l y, one bite at a time. Put your fork down after every bite. Chew that bite; savor it. Not worth savoring? you should be eating something better (see point 3).

5. In a restaurant, I order small (but good!). Don't think, “Is this going to be enough?” You can always order more if you need to. Entrees tend to be huge portions. Order a couple appetizers, or an appetizer and a salad. Split an entre with someone else. Or box up half of it (when it comes) and eat the rest.

6. I don't let myself get too hungry. Eat small, healthy snacks and small to moderate meals. Eat a balance of protein, fat, carbs, and fiber. This keeps your blood-sugar, and your energy, from spiking and crashing.

7. I don't waste my calories (or carbs). If you're going to eat calories, eat something you love. For me, that's chocolate. I'm not going to eat something like fries, because then no chocolate. (I don't eat a lot of chocolate, btw,but I do have some from time to time, mainly when I'm on the low side of my target weight.)
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