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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Kambiz Tajkarimi, MD
Who Should Consider a Penile Implant?
Urology Surgical Consulting

Who Should Consider a Penile Implant?

When it comes to successful treatment of erectile dysfunction, knowledge is power and it is important for patients to feel empowered.

Male patients who visit their urology clinic for treatment will usually undergo a quick study of the penile vascular system called a penile duplex. With this study, a medical professional can immediately start and expedite the algorithm to restore sexual health and function without bouncing the patient back and forth between treatments demonstrating little or no efficacy.

The pragmatic work-up allows the patient the convenience to target treatments that will be successful. For example, many patients exhibit a vascular abnormality that they never would have guessed they had: veno-occlusive disease. This process can only be treated by high dose injection therapy or a penile implant.

Many patients believe they are not candidates for penile implant surgery because they consider themselves “high risk” for any surgery. Thankfully this 45-minute procedure can be performed with any form of anesthesia available: local with IV sedation, spinal or general.

Patients on anticoagulant therapy can be safely treated with the penile implant without stopping their therapy. This is especially important for patients who have undergone cardiac stent placement. Considering the age range of patients who have undergone a penile prosthesis (21 to 95) and the co-morbidities of patients (transplant, diabetics, dialysis, etc.) few patients are considered unsafe for this minimally invasive procedure.

What is the number #1 regret men have after penile implant surgery? “Why did I not get it 5-10 years ago when I developed severe ED? Why did I waste so many years?”
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