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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
Ben Glass, Esquire
What Happens If You Are Sued After a Car Accident?
Benjamin W. Glass and Associates
. https://www.benglasslaw.com/

What Happens If You Are Sued After a Car Accident?

What Happens If You Are Sued
After a Car Accident?

I often write columns that talk about what people should do if they have been injured in an accident. What happens, though, if the accident is your fault?

In a lawsuit filed in Florida last month, celebrity wrestler “Hulk Hogan” sued his sons former lawyers whom he had hired to represent his 17-year-old son, Nick Bollea. Bollea had been involved in an accident in which a passenger in his car was severely injured. The accident appeared to be his sons fault, so Hogan hired a law firm to defend his son against claims that might be made. He ended up spending over $1.5 million with the law firm. Now hes suing to get his money back.

Hulk Hogan apparently did not know that the very first thing you should do if you have caused an accident is to notify your own car insurance company. You see, that company will not only pay for any damages you caused (up to the limit of your insurance coverage), but it will also pay an attorney to defend you for any civil claims (claims for money damages) that are brought against you.

You do not have to hire your own attorney to defend you.

Every car accident insurance
policy requires you to
do two things

1. Notify the company promptly of any accident or situation where a claim may be made against you;

2. Cooperate with that insurance company in their investigation and defense of the case.

In return for your notification and cooperation, they will provide you with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney and they will pay for any additional costs of defending you if you are sued by the person you hit.

Here are some other tips
as to what to do
if you caused the accident

1. Cooperate with the police investigating the accident. (Remember, though, that you do have the right to have an attorney represent you in your discussions with the police. Your car insurance policy does not generally pay the expenses of your traffic/criminal attorney.)

2. You are under no duty to disclose to anyone how much insurance you carry. You generally will be required to tell the police and the other driver who your insurance company is.

3. Take photographs of the damage to the vehicles, if possible

4. Make sure that anyone who is injured does get prompt care, if possible.

Dealing with the ramifications of a car accident can be a hassle, but going out and finding and paying for the right attorney to represent you should not be a part of that hassle.


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