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The Non-Economic Losses Victims Sustain in a Car Accident
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The Non-Economic Losses Victims Sustain in a Car Accident

The Non-Economic Losses Victims Sustain in a Car Accident

In a city like Beaumont, where there is traffic congestion and unpredictable weather, car accidents are fairly common. The aftermath of these incidents goes beyond physical injuries and financial issues.

Most people focus on economic damages like medical costs, lost wages, and repair expenses when recovering compensation through an accident claim. While non-economic damages are not straightforward, they are very significant and are as important as economic damages.

By hiring a motor vehicle accident lawyer in Beaumont, victims can get compensation for losses beyond obvious monetary losses.

This article discusses the different types of non-economic damages a motor vehicle accident victim can claim.

Common Types of Non-Economic Losses

Here are some common types of non-economic losses:

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering includes both physical discomfort and emotional stress as a result of an accident. Even though the pain from injuries may eventually end, sometimes victims are left with chronic pain that lasts for years.

For example, after sustaining a spinal cord injury, a common secondary medical effect is pain that requires medication to manage.

Suffering is a result of the emotional frustration and grief a victim undergoes. Sometimes injuries result in permanent disabilities, and victims have to learn and cope with these physical limitations. This can take a toll on their emotional well-being, resulting in suffering.

Emotional and Mental Distress

Apart from grief and frustration, accidents leave victims with severe psychological effects. Mental distress can be presented in the form of

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Victims may experience flashbacks of the accident or a constant fear that makes their daily life a struggle. These invisible effects haunt victims for a long time, which can negatively affect their recovery.

Inability to Enjoy Life

When physical injuries prevent victims from doing the activities they once loved, they experience a significant loss of enjoyment.

Picture this: A cycling lover who can no longer cycle. Or a victim can’t play with their kids, exercise, or spend time with their family. This loss can affect a person’s mental wellbeing and their overall quality of life.

Loss of Companionship

Another non-economic damage is the loss of companionship or consortium.

Loss of consortium refers to the negative impact on a victim’s relationship with the spouse, including the inability to maintain a fulfilling romantic partnership.

Additionally, injuries may make it difficult to engage with families in the way they used to, thus leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection.

This type of loss can seriously dent the victim’s personal and professional life.

Challenges of Quantifying Non-Economic Losses

One of the most difficult aspects of addressing non-economic losses is determining monetary value. Non-economic damages are calculated using two methods:

  • The multiplier method
  • The per diem method

The multiplier method involves multiplying the total amount of economic damages by a number between 1.5 and 5. The value of the number depends on the severity of the accident.

The per diem method is when a value is assigned to your injury. This is then multiplied by the days you endured pain and suffering.

A personal injury lawyer uses expert testimonies, medical specialists, and care planners to estimate the extent of pain and suffering. Courts also use a victim’s age and lifestyle to determine how injuries have affected a person’s quality of life. Younger accident victims may receive more compensation than an individual who is over 60.


Non-economic losses can affect a person’s psychological, emotional, and social well-being. By understanding these intangible effects motor vehicle accidents have on victims, they can get better compensation to rebuild all aspects of their lives after a traumatic event.

A qualified attorney can help victims pursue the non-economic damages they deserve.

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