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The following article was published in Your Health Magazine. Our mission is to empower people to live healthier.
James A. Cleaver, Esq.
The Growing Use of Nurses
Alexander & Cleaver Professional Association

The Growing Use of Nurses

The Growing Use of Nurses

I am sure you have noticed that nurses are becoming more common in the medical field. More medical practices are relying upon nurses to do some of the functions which were previously only performed by doctors. These additional duties and responsibilities are to take the workload off the doctors as well as reduce costs to insurance companies. It has also been found that nurses can perform many tasks in dealing with patient issues. Presently, there are over 30 different types of nurses with varying levels of education and experience that can determine the level of service needed. With our healthcare system becoming more cost-conscious, many are looking to have nurses perform more duties as well as reduce the workload on doctors. 

As time goes on, nurses are becoming more educated and experienced. It can only be expected that nurses will perform more patient services in the future. While it is never expected that a nurse will perform a patient diagnosis or order a treatment plan, the use of nurses now and in the future is something that is positive for our healthcare treatment system. Thus, the next time you are in a doctor’s office, and you have an extended visit with a nurse, you can identify that these medical professionals are the future of patient care.

As always, Alexander and Cleaver provides a wide range of legal services and specializes in motor vehicle accidents. If you are in need of such services, please feel free to contact James Cleaver, Esq. at 301-292-3300.
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