Benjamin W. Glass and Associates
3915 Old Lee Highway
Fairfax, VA 22033
(703) 584-7277
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Ever Heard a Lawyer Say, "You May Not Need a Lawyer?"
I recently had the opportunity to review a large number of letters that lawyers were sending to accident victims. These lawyers were collecting police accident reports and contacting the drivers involved. While there is certainly nothing wrong with that, and in many cases the recipients of the letters found the attorney letters helpful, I was surprised that the letters also said basically the same thing.
Every single letter that I reviewed “warned” the recipient that if they were not at fault in the accident and had suffered any injury whatsoever that they should hire an attorney – in fact, hire the attorney who signed the letter. All of these attorneys were ready to “rush to your home or hospital” to give you a “free consultation.”
The truth is that in Virginia there are a large number of cases that can be settled without an attorney by anyone who has the time and patience to deal with the insurance adjuster. Not every case fits this category, but I am surprised at the number of lawyers who will gladly take a one-third attorney fee even when it is reasonably clear that this will result in less money to the client.
Many lawyers will, for a flat fee, evaluate your case, medical records and bills, and sit down with you to discuss how you can settle your case on your own without an attorney. You should ask for this service if your injury was relatively minor, your treatment has ended, and you are ready to move on with your life.
If you'd like, you can watch a short, informative video and download a copy of my guide to settling your car accident case without an attorney at
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